
The Ravelry Project Challenge

Are you all participating in the Ravelry Project Challenge this year? I’m kinda bummed I missed it for 2018 since last year it was such a struggle to keep up my knitting mojo, but since I signed up for this year, I’m really looking forward to my knitting year.

I set my goal to complete 25 projects in 2019, which shouldn’t be too difficult since I am doing a dishcloth KAL on Facebook. I’d also like to finish at least one deep stash UFO (there are a couple) and at least one of the two blankets I’m working on. Plus, I finished 2 projects while I was in Tampa!

January Sock A Long 2018 socks
2 stitch check stripey dishcloth

What are you planning to work on this year? How is your 2019 Knitting shaping up?


cute kids

It Was An Adventure!

On Wednesday afternoon, my middle kid and I left for Tampa, FL where he was to rehearse and perform with the Middle School All-State Band for the 75th annual FMEA conference. This was a Pretty Big Deal, as he was only one of two students and the first 7th grader from his school, as well as one of only twelve trumpet players from the entire state of Florida to make it into the Band.

It was amazing. The FMEA conference brings something like 8,000 people to the city of Tampa and features performance ensembles from elementary, middle, and high school grades in all genres, including Choir, Orchestra, Jazz, and Guitar.


I’m kind of bummed I didn’t get to go to all of the concerts, tbh.

My kid’s group had about 17 hours of rehearsals over 3 days to put together their portion of the concert on Friday evening.

130 members!
warming up is srs fuckin bzns



Trying out unusual/expensive instruments at the conference was a major highlight of the event.



The kids really learned a lot from their director and they were absolutely fantastic. What an amazing experience for these young musicians! I’m so proud of and happy for him, and, not gonna lie, more than a little jealous haha.

If you want to have a listen to the pieces they played, click here. (Not from my kid’s concert obviously, just collected from YouTube.)