free patterns · Knitting

YaYa Mitts

I’ve had a pretty little ball of Classic Elite Inca Print in my stash for a long time now. I think it was the first alpaca yarn I ever purchased and, until now, I could never figure out what to do with it. Now that it’s officially the middle of August and with giftmas fast approaching, I finally thought of something to make with the Inca Print. YaYa Mitts!!


These mitts will knit up quickly and with just 50 grams would make a lovely, inexpensive gift for anyone (with women’s size medium hands) on your list. Sadly, the Inca Print is now discontinued, but any DK weight yarn would work.

Materials: 50 grams of any DK weight yarn.
Size 5 needles

Cast on 36 stitches. (I found a great tutorial for casting on 2 at a time here.)
Work in 2×2 rib (K2, P2) for 1.75 inches

Knit 1, CO 8 stitches (I used the backward loop method), Knit 1, K2, P2 to the end of the round.

Thumb Gusset:
Rounds 1-4: K2, P2 to the end
Round 5: K2, P2tog, K2, P2tog, K2, P2 to the end of the round.
Rounds 6-9: K2, P1, K2, P1, K2, P2 to the end of the round.
Round 10: K1, P2tog, K1, P2tog, K2, P2 to the end of the round.
Rounds 11-14: K1, P1, K1, P1, K2, P2 to the end of the round.
Round 15: P2tog, P2tog, K2, P2 to the end of the round.
Rounds 16-19: P2, K2 to the end of the round
Round 20: K2tog, K2tog, K2, P2

Continue to work in established 2×2 rib pattern until the mitt is the desired length or until you run out of yarn. BO loosely in pattern (I recommend JSSBO) and weave in ends.

Since I made mine on the short side, I have enough of the Inca Print to make a second pair!

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