sheep show · Spinning

Rhinebeck part 2, the Haul

So, over the last week or so, I decided that the only way I would learn how to spin and get good at it is to just jump right in and start doing it. I had purchased a Turkish drop spindle at the CT Sheep & Wool festival a couple of years ago, along with some fiber to go along with it, but never really picked it up. Then, I did that post about my Great Wheel and after much thought, decided that one day I would spin on that wheel. I joined a couple of spinning groups on ravelry. I watched some awesome videos on YouTube. Finally I had built up enough courage to do some spinning with my drop spindle. (More on that another time.) Fast forward to Rhinebeck, yesterday. Beforehand, I’d made a little mental shopping list:

1)BFL for spinning.



Check. (I am intensely embarrassed to say how much I spent on this single ounce of yarn, but it is definitely safe to assume that it is the reason I was unable to bring home my choice of fleece. The first thing Mr. Interrupted said when I showed it to him was, “yeah, but what are you going to do with it?” I have a few ideas. I would also add that I feel enormously lucky and blessed to be able to splurge on yarn this way.)

Not on the list: a doodad.
