Whiskers on Wednesday

Whiskers on Wednesday

I was sick on Sunday and Lolly kept me company while my fever ran its course.

I’ve never seen her so relaxed. She’s just one of those cats that looks perpetually alarmed. I wonder if she was waiting for me to keel over so she could take over my spot in the bed…

Whiskers on Wednesday

Whiskers on Wednesday

Doozer, chillaxin’ on top of the pantry. Happy Whiskers on Wednesday!

Doozer · Whiskers on Wednesday

Requisite Cat Photos

Because sometimes the Blog just needs it.

Doozer · Lolly · Whiskers on Wednesday

Whiskers on Wednesday

I do have knitting content for you, but I have rather too many dishes in my sink to do a post about it. So for today, cat pictures and a bonus poem.

Doozer is slightly too large for his cat bed.

Lolly is slightly too small.

What do I have to say about it?

Evidently nothing at all.

Lolly · Whiskers on Wednesday

Whiskers On Wednesday

Today, let’s just say that a certain SOMEone has not been behaving in a manner conducive to healing as it pertains to her recent surgical procedure.

Doozer · Lolly · Whiskers on Wednesday

Whiskers on Wednesday

On Saturday, I introduced an addition to our family, Lolly. She’s a 4 (or 5) month old torti-tabby we brought home as a companion for Doozer. Considering that Doozer has been an only cat for as long as he has, he’s actually taking the whole thing rather well. This morning we arrived at a major kitty milestone:

Eating breakfast together without making any growly noises.

Persi · Whiskers on Wednesday

Whiskers on Wednesday

As promised, pictures of Persi in The Sweater. [ravelry]

She was confused by it and would not sit still for a photo.

I think she was trying to step out of it, but she is old and decrepit and unable lift her legs that high. So she just kept walking around and around in circles until we took it off of her. She also entangled herself in it and nearly injured herself when she jumped down from the bed. Oh well. I think The Sweater is destined for my dad’s dog, Maggie McShaggy, who needs a sweater to remind her who is the omega dog.

Doozer · Whiskers on Wednesday

Whiskers on Wednesday

Can I help you?

Doozer · Persi · Whiskers on Wednesday

Whiskers on Wednesday

The saga continues…

Doozer · Persi · Whiskers on Wednesday

Too Late for Whiskers on Wednesday

I was going to do a Whiskers on Wednesday post about how famously Persi and Doozer are getting along. And how much Doozer seems to idolize her. And how he keeps trying to get her to play with him. And how he likes to be where she is so he follows her around all day. And how she really would prefer to just be left alone. But it’s the witching hour around here and I really need to get the kids into bed before things turn ugly. Have a nice evening y’all!